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Sand your existing Hardwood Floors using our State-of-the-Art Dustless System
On this third day we buff the floor with our Hepa-Vacuum assisted buffers making the smoothest finish possible. The third and final coat of polyurethane is then applied. This is the third and final coat of Polyurethane when Choosing a Natural Refinish (no stain). You choose between Satin, Semi, or Gloss Polyurethane.
As the final application in the refinishing process, polyurethane protects your floors and creates the ideal finished surface. Polyurethane is water resistant, and non-pourous, thus not allowing bacteria or mold to survive in the cracks. Also, Polyurethane is easy maintain and keep clean. We use VOC-Compliant High Quality Bona Finishes.
We use a Dust Containment System that has been designed to minimize particulates that escape the HEPA vacuum system. This means that our sanding machine assists in maintaining indoor air quality. Our Dustless Sanding Method requires less clean-up, creates fewer pollutants in the air, and does not negatively impact the quality of air that your family, friends, and pets breathe.
The Dustless Floor Refinishing Process Simplified
Day 2.
Day 3.
Apply Oil-Modified Bona Woodline Polyurethane
Apply Water-Based Bona Traffic Polyurethane
Apply Final Polyurethane Coat
Sealer creates an ideal surface where finish can be applied smoothly. Starting the finish process with a sealer allows additional top coats to layer properly while bonding wood grains after a deep sanding.
Stain allows you to change the color of our floors and create a custom look. You can even replicate or match an existing floor in your home.
This fourth day is only needed if you choose to Stain color. We will buff the floor with our Hepa-Vacuum assisted buffers making the smoothest finish possible. The third and final coat of polyurethane is then applied. This is the third and final coat of Polyurethane when Choosing a stain for first coat.
Day 4.
Day 1.
Apply Final Polyurethane Coat
Thinking about hardwood floor refinishing can be overwhelming, but our process can be explained clearly in three simple steps.
Note: This is a sample schedule. Schedules can vary depending on the factors for each project.
Apply Sealer Coat -or- Stain Color of your choice