Do you have more questions? Are you ready for an estimate?

  • Are you insured?
    Yes, EverWood Flooring LLC. is fully insured, and a certificate of insurance is available upon request.
  • Do you offer free estimates? 
    ​Of course! We will gladly come take a look at your flooring situation and provide with you our expert opinion and analysis, along with an honest and fair estimate to complete your desired project.
  • Do you have references? 
    EverWood Flooring has a growing number of satisfied customers who are excited about their experience and happy to share it with others. Upon request, we can refer you to someone who has recently completed a project similar to what you are looking for.
  • Do you warranty your work?  
    Yes, EverWood Flooring warranties all of the work we perform and do everything in our power to achieve 100% satisfaction with each customer. We perform our services according to manufacturer guidelines and recommendations, and follow standards and practices inline with industry professionals.

    There are some variables that we cannot control and therefore cannot offer a timeframe guarantee on the installation and refinishing services we provide. For example, we cannot guarantee that a refinished floor with last a certain number of years after the service has been provided because there are a number of factors that affect the lifespan of a finish that are unrelated to our services. We can, however, guarantee the quality of the work being performed and execute the service effectively and to your satisfaction.

    If a refinished floor is not performing to your expectations, it may be related to a defective material used in the process. This is something that could be pursued with the manufacturer, and is a process we can help you walk through if it occurs. The scenarios are similar for prefinished installations; if the material is defective, we will work with you and the manufacturer to resolve the issue. There are rare occurrences and very uncommon, as we strive to use the highest quality finishes and wood flooring materials.
  • What are your service areas? 
    We service most of New Hampshire and Massachusetts. 
  • How can I help to extend the life of my floors?  
    Wood floors are truly a reflection of how you maintain them. This includes cleaning them properly and protecting the surface. When cleaning your wood floors, you should only use products specifically designed for wood surfaces. For more details, see the FAQ topic, “What should I use to clean my wood floors?” Here are some tips:
    You should always clean-up spills right away.
    When vacuuming, use an attachment that has a soft brush or felt pad (vacuuming is recommended over sweeping, but if you do sweep a wood floor be sure to use a soft bristled brush).
    Place area rugs or mats in high-traffic areas (be sure the backside is not made of rubber or some other material that will trap moisture).
    Use furniture pads on the bottom of furniture, tables, and chairs.
    Limit excessive humidity fluctuation (between 35%-55% humidity is recommended)
    Avoid walking on wood floors with cleats, high-heels, or other sharp-edged footwear.
  • ​What should I use to clean my wood floors? 
    Let's start with what you should not use: Vinegar, Ammonia, Wax, Excessive amounts of water, Household dusting or cleaning products.
    Vacuuming with soft-surfaced attachments is recommended over sweeping. When using a solution, you should only use cleaning products specifically designed for wood floors. Bona products are extremely trustworthy and reliable. Armstrong is a long-standing flooring manufacturer is also provides cleaning products specifically for wood flooring products.
  • ​​What is dustless floor sanding? 
    Great question! Traditional floor sanding methods use machines that release dust particles into the air as the floors are sanded. These particulates settle on every available surface and become airborne, affecting not only the cleanliness of the home, but the quality of the air, and ultimately the inhabitants’ health.

    Advanced refinishing methods now utilize dust containment systems (DCS), which attach directly to the floor sanding machines so dust is extracted and contained the instant that it is created. Dust containment systems are rated based on a cubic-feet-per-minute (CFM) scale, which measures the velocity at which air flows; the higher the CFM, the more powerful and thus effective the system. Using a DCS can eliminate nearly 100% of the dust that is created while sanding a floor, thereby revolutionizing the refinishing industry.

    There is also a process available that does not involved floor sanding and thus boasts a “no dust” resolution. This involves applying chemicals to strip away the existing layers of finish. This is a different process from dustless floor sanding, and its effectiveness is in constant debate.
  • ​Do you have samples available?  
    Yes, we can show you large samples of a variety of finish options. Contact us to bring these samples to your home so you can see how they look.
  • ​Can you refinish a floor to match an existing color? 
    Absolutely! Another great example of how versatile wood flooring can be. This process involves a deep knowledge of blending stains and dyes, so this should be left to the experts. Stains and dyes do add to the cost of the project, but your floors will look priceless!
  • ​What is VOC? 
    VOC is an acronym that stands for volatile organic compounds. VOCs are emitted from a multitude of products as gases and can pose a risk to health. VOC emissions are not limited to products such as paints and polyurethanes, but also cleaning products, pesticides, and many others. Special attention should always be paid to the VOC levels of product you use indoors because, according to the EPA, concentrations of VOCs can be as much as ten times higher indoors. As more studies have been conducted and more has been learned about the adverse affects of these types of gases, manufacturers have made efforts to reduce the VOC levels in their products, or offer alternative low-VOC options.
  • ​Can stair treads be refinished to match floors? 
    Short answer: They sure can!

    Refinishing stair treads is a manual process, and thus requires experience and skill. Not only must the main surface of the stair tread be sanded, but also around spindles. nosings, landings, and possibly even skirt boards. 

    If a floor is being refinished at the same time, the stain that is used for the floor can also be used for the stair treads. If the floor is already finished with the color you want for your stairs, the treads can still be refinished and stained to match. If you are trying to match a prefinished floor this can be tricky. Prefinished manufacturers use a proprietary mix on their wood to diversify themselves from the competition. We often must use a process of dying the floor or stair treads with an aniline dye, then a mixture of stains on top with the right polyurethane finish to top it off. We specialize in matching colors and applying dye and stain evenly throughout your floor and stairs. 

    Some things to consider: 
    If your floors have been refinished for a while, using the exact color on the stair treads may result in an obvious difference, as the floors color may have faded over the years. One way to workaround this would be mixing a stain that more closely resembles the “aged” floor finish. 
    If your stair treads are a different species of wood from your floors, the resulting finish could appear differently since different species and grades of wood have different characteristics and qualities. 
    Your existing stair treads can be replaced, so simply refinishing your existing treads is not your only option!
  • ​What is the difference between prefinished and site-finished wood flooring? 
    Prefinished wood is a factory-finished material complete with the sealer, polyurethane, and stain color applied. Site finished, or unfinished, requires a finishing stage after the wood is installed to apply the sealer and polyurethane (and stain color, if desired).

    Prefinished wood installation requires attention to detail and precision as to preserve the finished quality of the material. There is a little more flexibility when installing unfinished wood, as you still have an opportunity to correct any imperfections before applying the finishes.

    Both materials have their own benefits, for example prefinished wood is created in a controlled environment so all of the elements are conducive to producing an optimal material. On the other hand, you have a lot of control over the outcome of a site-finished wood floor because you can experiment with stains and dyes to create a truly custom look.
  • ​Can a water-damaged area in my wood floor be salvaged? 
    Will you believe me if I say yes? This all depends on how extreme the damage is and how long the moisture has been present. If wood has seen moisture repeatedly, or the wood has remained damp for an extended length of time, it’s a good idea to remove it and check the subfloor beneath for mold growth and to ensure its stability. If a few solid wood boards have buckled or split, they can be repaired without impacting the rest of the floor. This all depends on the type of wood floor and the extent of the damage. Repairing one small section of a floor and then trying to match the previous look is very difficult, so it is best to repair the damaged area, and then refinish the entire floor at once so there is a consistent look and quality across the entire floor surface.